Windows RT store app dev – Inputs to / outputs from public and private async functions in C# and VB.NET

Windows RT (Windows 8.1) does not support exposing Task<T> on public methods and properties of class libraries (winmd files). As such, we are told to use IAsyncOperation<T> in place of Task<T>, since it provides similar functionality.

Here is an example of that in C#. The public function wraps the private one and thus allowed me to “await” my GetSomeData() function from another project that consumes this library.

private async Task<SomeOutput> GetSomeDataInternal(SomeInput inp)
SomeOutput ou = new SomeOutput();
using (var r = new StreamReader(await inp.OpenStreamForReadAsync()))
ou = await r.ReadToEndAsync();
return ou;

public IAsyncOperation<SomeOutput> GetSomeData(SomeInput inp)
return (IAsyncOperation<SomeOutput>)AsyncInfo.Run((System.Threading.CancellationToken ct) => GetSomeDataInternal(inp));

Calling the public function looks like this:

Dim myLib As MyLibrary.Utils = New MyLibrary.Utils()
Dim inp As New SomeInput()
Dim ou As SomeOutput = Await myLib.GetSomeData(inp)

All is well and good with a provider class library in C#. But that is not the case in pure VB.NET. I much prefer C# for complex things, but one must travel to where the river flows. So this had to be in VB.NET. The problem: when I attempted to do something similar to the above entirely in VB.NET, I encountered a COM error. So in order to make everything work, I devised the following code.

(Disregard that the output is gotten by accessing a property instead of calling a function; the main thing here is how to wrap the async private function in a public one and call it without COM errors and typecasting errors.)

Private _inp As SomeInput()
Public Property TheInput As SomeInput
Return Me._inp
End Get
Set(value As SomeInput)
Me._inp = value
End Set
End Property

Public ReadOnly Property TheOutput As IAsyncOperation(Of SomeOutput)
Return AsyncInfo.Run(Of SomeOutput)(Function(ct As System.Threading.CancellationToken) GetTheOutput())
End Get
End Property

Private Async Function GetTheOutput() As Task(Of SomeOutput)
Dim s As StorageFile = Await Windows.Storage.KnownFolders.PicturesLibrary.GetFileAsync(Me._inp)
Dim ou As New SomeOutput()
Await ou.SetSourceAsync(Await s.OpenReadAsync())
Return ou
End Function

So the above wrapped code was necessary to make Windows RT happy, since Task<T> may not be exposed publicly.
And I called the function (or in this case got the property) like so:

Dim myClass As New MyClass()
Dim inp As New SomeInput()
myClass.TheInput = inp

Dim ou As SomeOutput = Await myClass.TheOutput.AsTask()

AsTask() was necessary to cast the IAsyncOperation<T> back to Task<T> and make VB.NET happy.

So there are several things mentioned here:
– AsyncInfo.Run() in VB.NET
– Disentangling data from an async function in C# and VB.NET
– Avoiding the COM error
– Avoiding the typecasting error